
The NCPD Dive team has an emergency response van, which holds much of the divers personal equipment. This vehicle gives the dive team a command post from which to operate during land based operations, and it is used to transport the equipment to the nearest police patrol vessel for offshore assignments. The divers van is a self contained unit with a portable generator and changing area for the divers, a desk area for preparing the paperwork, and storage areas for all the dive equipment. The numerous items contained within the van include an 18 ft.extension ladder, hand tools, diver search lines and anchors, emergency oxygen, search grids, cold water rescue suits, plus equipment that is necessary for underwater repair and maintenance of vessels. The below listed specialized equipment is also maintained in the divers van:
A Submersible Remote Operated Vehicle
Metal Detectors
Single Side Band Underwater Communication system
NITROX and Air Diving Tanks
Portable Loran - C Navigator and Depth Finder
Miscellaneous Underwater Lift Bags
Equipment Repairs
The Team also utilizes a 4 wheel drive pickup, specially equipped to transport equipment to hard to reach dive locations.

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© by Nassau County, N.Y., Police
Department 2002